In 2013, two friends on Bainbridge Island experimented with the idea to create a “hyper-local gift economy” with their neighbors, the Buy Nothing Project has now grown to include over 7,000 communities in 44 countries. With the mission to “build community and connect people through hyper-local gifting and reducing our impact on the environment”, the organization supports communities across the globe in setting up and managing their own local groups. For more information about the the Buy Nothing Project visit:
When I first heard about the Buy Nothing Project I didn’t realize how active and helpful the group would be. We, like many people this summer, are preparing for vacations and visitors, one visit that includes my two nephews under the age of five. It turns out those little guys need quite a bit of stuff to get through the day! Not having kiddos, we didn’t want to buy items that we knew would only be used for a couple of weeks and then end up sitting in our basement. By utilizing our local Buy Nothing group we were able to borrow or have gifted to us many of the items we need and the best part is we get to re-gift them after we are done! Whether you are looking to relocate some items that have been cluttering up your basement, attic, and closets or have a need to borrow a few things, your local Buy Nothing group is a great place to turn to.
Maple Leaf currently has 3 Buy Nothing groups available to join on Facebook. To “give where you live” it works best to join based on your geographic location. To join a Maple Leaf Buy Nothing group or see the full list of Buy Nothing groups in Washington, visit: